
Headlines | 3TREES Wins "2020 Work Different Top 100" and "2020 Work Different CSR Practice" Awards
2020.12.22       Category: News

On December 17, Liepin "Work Different Night 2020" was held in Shanghai Bund. 3TREES stood out from some 30,000 companies nationwide and won the "2020 Work Different CSR Practice" and "2020 Work Different Top 100" awards. It is another major honor for 3TREES after winning the "China Top 100 Best Employer Award 2020", which once again shows the recognition of the industry and authoritative institutions of 3TREES’s commitment to talent development and corporate social responsibility. 



It is reported that the review process of the "Work Different" awards focuses on seven indicators: talent cultivation, innovation and change, talent attraction, cultural atmosphere, work environment, compensation and benefits, and employer image. All the applicants have been thoroughly studied to choose the final award winners. Also during the conference, Prof. Yang Weiguo from Renmin University of China, Mr. Dai Kebin, CEO of Liepin, and other industry experts shared their insights on talent organization and development and the perspectives of the younger generation, bringing a feast of ideas on HR innovation and crossover.


The year of 2020 was an extraordinary year. The sudden onslaught of COVID-19 at the beginning of the year dealt a heavy blow to the country’s economy and put huge pressure on the production and operation of businesses. When the pandemic struck, 3TREES took swift actions to support the fight against the disease, and donated more than 18 million yuan both in cash and in kind, bringing a spring breeze of love to the society and its customers. At the same time, responding to the government policy of maintaining stability in six key aspects and ensuring protection in six priority areas, 3TREES did not lay off employees or reduce salaries, but initiated a big pay rise and recruited many new employees. For example, in order to alleviate the employment pressure of college graduates, 3TREES stepped up the recruitment of outstanding graduates from major universities in the country, setting a new record in the recruitment of college graduates. In addition, abiding by the core value of "sharing with strivers", which focuses on shaping the striver character and ensuring fair treatment for strivers, 3TREES has showed motherly care for all its employees by providing them with generous welfare benefits (37 welfare measures, employee stock ownership plan, etc.), comprehensive learning and career growth platforms, and unlimited space for career development. These initiatives have improved the happiness index of 3TREES employees, and made positive contribution to social stability.


Going forward, 3TREES will keep to its founding mission, continue to strive for the goal of 100 billion, and build its business on the basis of talents. With improved talent training system, 3TREES will provide employees with a higher and more valuable career platform, create a more competitive key workforce and release the vitality of the organization to put 3TREES on a path of growth with higher speed and quality.
